Вторник, 18 октября 2016 07:19

What to do if you have your own or by clubbing together 30 million RUB, 100 million RUB, 130 million RUB. For those who believe that in the medium and long term functionality more valuable than money.

1. 30 000 000 RUB

 NDCO is created. NDCO is a non-banking deposit and credit organization. In other words it is a deposit and credit bank with limited license from the Central Bank of Russian Federation ("CBRF") and with a correspondent account in the CBRF. The minimum share capital is 20 million RUB, staff of 7 people. The breakeven point occurs when the working assets are equal to 100 million RUB and five percent annual margin.

CBRF issues the license and monitors NDCO. NDCO guide is also required to be approved by CBRF.

10 million RUB are used for the establishment and the first year of NDCO functioning.

There is strong potential to attract prolonged and not expensive funds in rubles to NDCO under project financing in projects for NDCO participants and its clients and for those, who have passed the NDCO examination, as shown in picture 1.

Credit direction: development projects, power generation, oil refining, transport, led production, leasing of movable property and real estate and those, where the IRR of the project is more than NDCO loan rate and with the loan horizon is less than NDCO projects effective sales lifetime.

Picture 1

Financing and refinancing of unfinished housing and thereby increase the income for NDCO as shown in picture 2.

Picture 2

2. 100 000 000 RUB

CNCO is created. CNCO is a counting non-banking credit organization. In other words - is a counting bank with a limited license of the Central Bank of Russian Federation and its correspondent account with the CBRF and with the establishment of international correspondent relations with LORO and NOSTRO accounts.

The minimum share capital is 90 million RUB, staff of 7 people. The breakeven point occurs when the number of working clients is 900.

CBRF issues the license and monitors CNCO. CNCO guide is also required to be approved by CBRF.

10 million RUB are used for the establishment and the first year of CNCO functioning.

Picture 3 shows the positioning of CNCO in correspondent accounts, including cross-correspondent accounts.

Picture 3


3. 130 000 000 RUB

Both NDCO and CNCO are created at the same time. In complex we obtain a distributed and extended banking functionality for 130 million rubles, picture 4. In this case the minimum allowed share capital of the bank with limited functionality is equal to 300 million RUB. Moreover, the minimum of the bank staff is 24 people and the NDCO and CNCO staff is only 7 people, and all of them can work in two organizations at the same time. The scheme is applied by advanced owners of various holding companies.

Picture 4

Additional points of growth areas of  NDCO + CNCO are in a wide range of interdisciplinary spaces and the boundary sectors of complex banking financial and legal product (CBFLP), including the international one, and also in the field of banking financial and legal architecture (BFLA), picture 5.

Picture 5

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